#Seven Sisters of India
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marutiagrifoods · 25 days ago
Best peanut butter brand in India | masterfarmer
Master Farmer is the best peanut butter brand in India, offering a delightful range of creamy and crunchy peanut butters. Our peanut butter combos are perfect for those who love variety, featuring delicious, high-quality options to elevate your snacks and meals. Try our exclusive peanut butter combo pack for a taste of the best, all in one convenient package!
Whether you are spreading it on toast or adding it to smoothies, Master Farmer peanut butter is your go-to for unbeatable taste and nutrition.
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dazonntravels1 · 25 days ago
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toursfromdelhi · 1 year ago
🌍 Embark on a 25-day Seven Sisters Tour of Northeast India with Recon Holidays
🌍 Embark on a 25-day Seven Sisters Tour of Northeast India with Recon Holidays. Explore the wonders of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, and Nagaland. Book now: https://reconholidays.com/25-days-seven-sisters-tour-of-north-east-india #NortheastIndia #ReconHolidays #TravelAdventure
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reconholidays · 1 year ago
25 Days Seven Sisters Tour of North East India
25 Days Seven Sisters Tour of North East India - Recon Holidays offers Unique and Immersive Tailor made Small Group Tours of  North East India & Beyond https://reconholidays.com/25-days-seven-sisters-tour-of-north-east-india 
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ghost-in-cyberspace · 2 months ago
The Pleiades
Astronomy Facts
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The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters or Messier 45 (M45) is an asterism, or star group of an open star cluster containing young B-type stars that formed in the last 100 million years just above the shoulder of Taurus the bull constellation.
It's on average about 444 light years away from Earth. That means the light in this photo left the star cluster in 1581. It's also the nearest Messier object to Earth. It's the most obvious star cluster visible to the naked eye.
In Ancient Times
They were one of the first stars mentions in literature, appearing in Chinese Annuals in 2350bc. The Nebra sky disc found in Germany has these stars displayed with the Sun and Moon, this disc was made in the 1600BC. Sailors used them for navigation, as the “Plein” in their name literally means “To sail” in Ancient Greek. Farmers used them as a marker for when to sow and harvest crops, since they appear in the autumn, being a winter Asterism. The Zuni tribe of New Mexico called them “seed stars” and when the stars disappeared in the spring they sowed their crops. Other cultures believed they seeded the planet and were the seven mothers of Earth, (hey Hemidal of the Aesir in Norse Mythology had nine mothers).
In ancient times the Pleiades played a role in establishing many calendars.
In ancient India, in the Atharvaveda (the knowledge store house of Antharvanas, the procedures for everyday life, the fourth Veda and part of the Vedic scriptures of Hinduism) the Pleiades have the name Kttika, which meant the cuttings or those that mark the break of the year.
The Stories
The Pleiades are a very visible star cluster and because of that and because it's close to the ecliptic (the line of the sun's passage in the night sky or the zodiac line) and it's seasonal appearance makes it a great source of stories, folklore and myths.
Nearly all of them say they're 7 sisters and usually explain why they see 6 stars.
North Africa
The Tuareg Berbers, a semi nomadic ethnic group from North Africa (mainly the Sahara) call the Pleiades Cat ihed meaning Daughters of Night. Their proverb (translated into English) is: “When the Daughters of Night fall, I wake looking for my goatskin bag to drink. When they rise, I wake looking for cloth/clothes to wear”
This means that when the Pleiades sink below the horizon at spring, Summer is coming, and in the desert will be getting hot and drier, and they rise in the Autumn and that is when the rainy season starts, so start dressing warmer.
Native American
Wyoming- Kiowa tribe
In Wyoming, North America stands Mateo Tipi or Devil’s Tower. Legend is that one day the tribe was going south, and a bear attacked a group of seven girls. They climbed the rock and asked the Great Spirit for help. The Great Spirit made the rock grow taller and the bears kept clawing and scraping it away, so the rock grew taller still. Until the little girls were high in the sky and became stars.
Greek Myth
I'm ending on this one as it ties to a winter cconstellation. Also we often use the Greek names in astronomy.
The Pleiades in Greek mythology are daughters of Pleione and Oceanid and the Titan Atlas.
The sisters names are:
·       Maia (mother/ nurse/ great one) who was the mother of Hermes
·       Electra who was the mother of Dardanus and Iasion by Zeus
·       Taygete mother of Laceaemon by Zeus
·       Alcyone (ally) the mother of Hyrieus, Hyperenor, Aethusa, Hyperes, Anthas and Epopeus by Poseidon
·       Celaeno mother of Lycus, Nycteus, Eurypylus and Euphemus by Poseidon
·       Sterope (Asterope) (star) mother of King Oenomaus by Ares (some stories say she's Oenomaus wife)
·       Merope the youngest who married Sisyphus.
Merope is the lost sister as her star is the last to have been mapped by Astronomers and is the faintest star, invisible to the naked eye. In the stories she's lost either because she married a mortal, or because she married Sisyphus who was punished in the underworld for both murdering his guests and repeatedly literally escaping from death . His punishment is to roll a stone up a hill forever. Either way Merope faded away. In other versions the lost sister is Electra, whose son was the King of Troy and she faded when Troy fell.
In one version of their story, the Pleiades were grief stricken at either their father Atlas who was punished after the Titan's war with the Olympians by being forced to hold up the heavens , or the fate of their sisters the Hyades and killed themselves. Zeus changed them into stars.
Another version that ties to the constellation of Orion is that after Atlas was imprisoned Orion began to relentlessly pursue the Pleiades. They were companions of Artemis who asked her father Zeus to protect them. Zeus changed them into doves then stars. Artemis was then angry that she lost her companions so her brother Apollo created a Scorpion that killed Orion. Orion then was changed into a constellation and so was the Scorpion (Scorpio) and Orion continues to pursue the Pleiades in the sky, and he in turn is chased off the sky by Scorpio.
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anonymousewrites · 6 months ago
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Seven
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Seven: Stranded on an Island
Summary: Abandoned on a deserted island, Jack, Elizabeth, and (Y/N) console themselves, and Elizabeth plots.
            (Y/N) waded out of the water and sat down on the sandy shores of the island. They took deep breaths. Behind them, Elizabeth—burgundy dress gone—and Jack struggled to land after an exhausting swim. (Y/N) wasn’t tired, but they were nervous—scared—about being stuck on an abandoned island without fresh water or food. This could and probably would be their doom.
            Jack stared back at the Black Pearl as it sailed away. “That’s the second time I’ve watched that man sail away with my ship,” he said, frustrated. He turned and stalked into the grove of trees.
            “You were marooned on this island before!” said Elizabeth, following him. “We can escape the same way!”
            (Y/N) nearly followed, but, feeling more secure where they sat, they remained by the sea. Behind them, the argument continued, and (Y/N) sighed. They just wanted to think.
            “To what point and purpose, young missy?” said Jack. “The Black Pearl is gone! Unless you and the laddie have a lot of sails hidden in your clothes, young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him.”
            “But you’re Captain Jack Sparrow!” said Elizabeth. “You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company! You sacked Nassau Port without a shot. Are the pirate I’ve read about or not?”
            (Y/N) sighed and ran their hands through the sand, trying to calm themself as the threat of death hung over their head.
            “How did you escape the last time?” demanded Elizabeth.
            That had (Y/N) glancing back. They were curious about that since sea turtles felt pretty much impossible, even if magic and curses existed. Jack frowned and turned away from Elizabeth. (Y/N)’s intense gaze bore into him, and he hesitated before speaking again.
            “Last time I was here a grand total of three days, alright?” he said. “Last time…” he opened up a hidden cellar door. “The rumrunners used this island as a cache.” Jack avoided their gazes and went into the cellar. “They came by, and I was able to barter passage off.” He grimaced as he lifted a bottle of rum out. “From the looks of things, they’ve long been out of business.” Jack huffed. “Probably have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that.”
            (Y/N) sighed. It was more than a little disappointing that Jack didn’t have a way off the island, but at least they had a better explanation than “sea turtles.”
            “So that’s it, then?!” said Elizabeth. “That’s the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow!” She narrowed her eyes furiously. “You spent three days on the beach drinking rum.”
            “Welcome to the Caribbean, love!” said Jack cheerfully. “Now, who wants a drink before we die? Laddie?!”
            “I like to keep my wits,” said (Y/N).
            “What a depressing idea,” said Jack, swaggering off towards the sea to get wasted.
            Behind them, Elizabeth looked at the bottle of rum, and an idea came to her. She looked back at (Y/N) and Jack and decided to keep her plan to herself. For one, she didn’t trust Jack. For two, she didn’t want to give false hope to (Y/N) in case her plan didn’t work out and they got stranded.
            “(Y/N),” said Elizabeth.
            “Yes?” said (Y/N), looking at Elizabeth.
            “Thank you for coming,” said Elizabeth. “It was extraordinarily brave of you.” She hugged (Y/N). “I’m so sorry you got stuck here.” She held them tightly. “I’m going to get you out of here. I promise.”
            “Of course I came for you, Lizzie. You’re my sister,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Elizabeth held them tighter. She really loved this kid. “Come on, (Y/N). Let’s go celebrate that we’re alive right now.”
            “We’re devils, we’re black sheep, we’re really bad eggs!” Elizabeth, (Y/N), and Jack danced around a bonfire on the beach. They sang as they went, and Jack was completely wasted. (Y/N) had drank a bit to keep from being thirsty, and Elizabeth was slightly tipsy. However, despite the varying states of inebriation, they were having a great time. “Drink up, me hearties, yo-ho! Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate’s life for me!”
            “I love this song!” said Jack.
            Elizabeth laughed, and (Y/N) whooped and spun. Jack copied them and swayed on his feet. He fell to the sand, and (Y/N) sprawled back with him.
            “When I get the Pearl back…I’m gonna teach it to the whole crew!” declared Jack, his words slurring. “And we’ll sing it all the time.”
            “You’ll be a singing pirate,” laughed (Y/N), letting free for once on the seashore. “Feared in all the Caribbean!”
            “Not just the Caribbean—the entire ocean! The world!” said Jack earnestly. “I’ll go wherever I want to go, I go!” He grinned at (Y/N). “That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel and hull and deck and sails. That’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is…What the Black Pearl really is—”
            “Freedom,” said (Y/N). They gazed at Jack, eyes bright. “It’s freedom.”
            Jack grinned at them. “You’re a bright one, laddie.” He tilted his head and waved his bottle of rum. “You want that freedom, don’t you? The sea air, the waves, the lack of rules…” His face twisted in disgust at the idea of being confined by “polite” society.
            (Y/N) groaned. “I hate the rules. They make no sense.” They sat up and looked out at the sea. “I like it much more out here. With the sea.” They took a deep breath of the salty breeze. “I like freedom.”
            Jack looked at (Y/N), the words cutting through his tipsiness. That was a spirited speech awfully reminiscent of his own thoughts, of his own self when he was their age. Yes, his father had been a pirate so he had always been one, but he, too, had looked at the world and decided that the rules and limitations weren’t for him. Jack wanted freedom; the sea gave it.
            And now a kid was looking at him with that very same look in their eyes—the glint of freedom. (Y/N) had a taste for it, and now nothing would ever be enough if they didn’t have it.
            Jack smiled at (Y/N) and raised his bottle. “To freedom!” A small part of himself, beneath all the drunkenness and braggadocio, hoped that spark wouldn’t be smothered.
            (Y/N) grinned back. “Aye!”
            (Y/N) awoke to a terrible heat on their face. They groaned and sat up from where they had found the shade of a tree to rest. Their eyes widened, and they jumped to their feet. Elizabeth was throwing barrels of rum into a bonfire, and a dark smoke was flying into the air.
            “What the—Lizzie, what are you doing?!” said (Y/N), alarmed at the sudden actions of their usually rational sister. That was the only liquid they had to drink.
            “Saving us,” said Elizabeth firmly.
            “No! Not good! Stop!” Jack ran up from the beach at the sight of the flames, also awakened by the smell of burning alcohol and trees. “What are you doing?! You’ve burned all the food, the shade, the rum!”
            “Yes, the rum is gone,” said Elizabeth.
            “Can you actually explain your thinking?” said (Y/N).
            “Why is the rum gone?” bemoaned Jack.
            “One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into scoundrels,” snapped Elizabeth to Jack. She looked a lot kindlier at (Y/N). “Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire royal navy is out looking for us. They’ll see it, there’s no chance they won’t.
            “But why is the rum gone?!” said Jack.
            (Y/N) sighed, and Elizabeth rolled her eyes. She sat down on the beach and looked out over the water.
            “Just wait, Jack Sparrow. Give it out hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon,” said Elizabeth.
            Jack looked ready to draw his pistol and shoot, but a glare from (Y/N) made him freeze. He hadn’t been on the Interceptor when the pirates attacked, so he hadn’t seen the fury their eyes were capable of. Now, that exact storminess was turned on him, and he knew if he tried to harm Elizabeth, (Y/N) would fight to the end. Jack wasn’t interested in that. So, instead, he turned and stalked off in a huff.
            “Do you really think it will work?” said (Y/N), sitting down next to Elizabeth.
            “There’s a very good chance it will,” said Elizabeth, smiling at (Y/N). “And then Norrington and my father will find us, we can save Will, and then we can all go home.”
             (Y/N) smiled up until the final statement. They faltered and looked back at the sea. “Right.”
            Elizabeth furrowed her brow. “Are you alright, (Y/N)?”
            “Yes. I don’t want to be stranded here. It’s just that…” They trailed off and shifted uncomfortably. “I liked sailing. I liked being away from Port Royal.” I liked the sea. The freedom.
            Elizabeth’s gaze softened. “You enjoyed not having my father’s expectations on your shoulders.”
            (Y/N) let out a dry laugh. “I can’t quite live up to them, can I? I can try, but I’m not what ‘civilized’ society wants.”
            Elizabeth smiled at them. “I know.” She nudged them and looked at their clothes. “You left behind the dresses the moment you could, the first bit of polite society you were pushed into.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Yes…” Their smile fell. “But I must return. I know that. I shouldn’t—I shouldn’t stay on the sea.”
            “I’d prefer you to be somewhere safer, yes,” said Elizabeth. “But don’t worry. I’ll be with you. I promise.”
            “…Even if your father wants you to marry Norrington? You won’t leave me?” said (Y/N), looking at Elizabeth.
            “Never,” said Elizabeth, hugging (Y/N) tightly. “You’re my family. I’m not leaving you behind.”
            (Y/N) hugged Elizabeth back. “Thank you.”
            “Even if you are the stubbornest, most reckless child I’ve ever met,” teased Elizabeth. “Running off with pirates for me.”
            (Y/N) laughed sheepishly.
            Elizabeth smiled as their good spirits returned and looked out at the sea. She froze and stood. A grin split her features. “There!”
            (Y/N) scrambled to their feet and peered over the slight hill of the island. There, beyond the curve of the tiny isle, white sails of the British navy flew against the bright blue sky.
            They had been found.
            “We’ve got to save Will!”
            Elizabeth wasted no time in declaring her intentions to help Will against Barbossa. She, (Y/N), and Jack had been brought aboard the Dauntless where Governor Swann and Norrington awaited them, and she was instantly on the offensive and trying to get them to help her.
            “No,” said Swann. “You and (Y/N) are safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately.” He looked at (Y/N) harshly. “And we will be having a long discussion about your actions, young lady.” (Y/N) winced at the word and held their shirt tighter. “Helping a pirate escape jail, stealing a ship?! What were you thinking?!” Swann groaned. “You even stole the clothes of a pirate.”
            “Will and I paid for these,” said (Y/N) quietly. Already, they felt the press of polite society and social rules closing in around them, strangling the freedom they’d had.
            “And that makes it alright to go gallivanting after pirates with other pirates?!” snapped Swann.
            (Y/N) flinched. Jack narrowed his eyes. Elizabeth pulled (Y/N) to her side protectively.
            “(Y/N) and Will saved me!” said Elizabeth. “I would have been lost if not for their actions. We cannot leave Will behind now. If we do, we condemn him to death.”
            “The boy’s fate is regrettable, but so is his decision to engage in piracy,” said Swann.
            “To rescue me! To prevent anything from happening to me,” said Elizabeth.
            “If I was in Will’s place, would I be left behind, too, for going to save Lizzie?” said (Y/N), eyes raising to face Swann and Norrington.
            “I—Of course not,” said Swann. “You’re my ward. You are a misguided child.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed as they slid to Norrington. He hadn’t reacted. For a moment, their eyes were stormy with barely contained fury, and they spoke coldly. “But Will isn’t important enough for you?” Norrington and Swann didn’t respond, and (Y/N) knew what the response was. No. Will wasn’t important enough to save. “You’re willing to throw away a life just because he isn’t of high-enough status for you.” (Y/N)’s hands clenched into fists, and Elizabeth saw the same storm stirring within them as it had against the Black Pearl. “Disgusting.”
            “I would watch your tone, young lady,” said Norrington. “It is the grace of your father that excuses you from the harshest consequences of your actions.” He looked at Swann. “Clearly, they have been quite misguided by the pirates. I’d suggest a boarding school to teach them proper manners, but it is your choice, Governor.”
            “Manners? I’ll teach you—”
            “If I may be so bold as to interject my personal opinion,” said Jack, moving between Elizabeth and (Y/N) and the two men.
            After (Y/N)’s speech about throwing away lives due to status, Jack was reminded of the one time he tried to live a “proper” sailor’s life. He remembered what people had deemed cargo fit to buy and sell—other people. Jack had refused to allow that, refused to believe in such a disgusting view of human beings. And now here was the kid, the same one who chased freedom, being pushed around and wanting to help those being thrown away like Jack had. Something in his cold black heart thumped, and he decided to finally speak up.
            (Obviously, it wasn’t so that Norrington and Swann would stop speaking so cruelly to (Y/N). No, it was just so Jack had a chance to escape and get the Pearl. Or maybe it was both. He decided not to consider that).
            “The Pearl was listing after the battle,” said Jack, continuing before anyone could stop him. “It’s unlikely she’ll be able to make good time. Think about it—the Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up, eh?”
            Norrington narrowed his eyes. “By remembering that I serve others, not only myself.”
            (Y/N)’s heart sunk, and they looked at Jack. They hoped he could see they were thanking him for trying to get them to go after the pirates and Will—even if it was just for his own gain since he was undoubtedly going to try to get the Pearl for himself.
            “Commodore, I beg you,” said Elizabeth, moving forward before Norrington left. “Please do this. For me.” She swallowed. “As a wedding gift.”
            Norrington whirled. (Y/N) sucked in a breath. Swann stared at her in shock.
            “Elizabeth?” he said. He was pleased. “Are you accepting the Commodore’s proposal?”
            “I am,” said Elizabeth. To save Will, she’d do anything.
            “A wedding!” said Jack. “I love weddings. Drinks all around!” The air was too tense for him. Norrington glared at him, and Jack cleared his throat. “I know.” He held out his wrists. “ ‘Clap him in irons,’ right?”
            Norrington’s jaw tensed. “Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all meanings of the phrase ‘silent as the grave.’ Do I make myself clear?”
            “Inescapably clear,” said Jack.
            (Y/N) frowned as Jack was pulled to the helm by two guards and Norrington went with him. They knew he’d try to bargain for the Pearl, and that would lead them into danger. However, they had a feeling Norrington was aware of that. That being said…they also knew Norrington had no idea just how dangerous the crew of the Pearl were. (Y/N) did.
            They exchanged a look with Elizabeth, and they found her gaze was as determined as their heart felt. They knew that they’d have to be the ones to ensure Will escaped. They couldn’t leave his fate in anyone else’s hands.
            One more adventure until they lost their freedom—Elizabeth to marriage and (Y/N) to society. They’d have to make it count.
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simoneashleyedits · 1 year ago
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EXCLUSIVE: After breaking out with her lead role in the second season of Netflix’s smash hit series Bridgerton, Simone Ashley has moved on to star in This Tempting Madness, a new indie directed by Jennifer E. Montgomery, from her script written with husband Andrew M. Davis, which just wrapped production in Los Angeles.
A first look still from the pic, marking Montgomery’s feature directorial debut, can be found below.
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Inspired by a true story, This Tempting Madness is an elevated psychological thriller about a young woman (Ashley) who awakens from a coma grievously injured, memory fractured, her husband arrested. But as she puts together the pieces of her past, she starts to question her own actions — and her perception of reality.
Producers include Montgomery and Davis for their Smoke Jumper Films; Mango Monster Productions; Jessica Malanaphy and Marcei Brown for CatchLight Studios; and William Day Frank. Coming from a background as a cinematographer, Davis will also be lensing the film.
In the second season of Bridgerton, based on the hugely popular Julia Quinn romance novels, Ashley was introduced as Kate Sharma, who’s courted by Viscount Anthony Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey) upon her arrival in London from India. For a moment snatching the record of the most-watched English-language series in Netflix history, with 251.7M hours viewed in its first seven days, the season was celebrated for breaking a race barrier with Ashley’s character, whose ethnicity was changed from the books so that her family would be of Indian descent.
Set to reprise the role in Season 3, Ashley has also recently appeared in Disney’s live-action reimagining of The Little Mermaid, as Ariel’s sister, Indira. Otherwise best known for her role as Olivia on Netflix’s BAFTA-winning series Sex Education, she also boasts credits including Pokémon Detective Pikachu (Warner Bros), Broadchurch (BBC America) and C.B. Strike (Cinemax), to name a few. The actress is represented by Identity Agency Group, CAA, and Myman Greenspan Fox.
Montgomery and Davis are repped by Anonymous Content.
Source: Deadline
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tema-makes-art-sometimes · 21 days ago
❤️ headcanons about a hetalia lady of your choice?
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🇸🇨 Republic of Seychelles 🇸🇨
She doesn’t really know where she came from, since there weren’t many inhabitants in her land until much later when it was colonized. So she spent a lot of her chibi years alone. She came to be some time in the 1520’s, as her islands were used more and visited more, even if people didn’t stay for very long until the French came along. Around the time when she began to be added to more maps after the Portuguese first noted the island’s existence labeled as “the Seven Sisters”.
If there was any skill she wished she could learn, it was sleight of hand. She wants to be able to juggle things between her hands and slip things out secretly. The card tricks that Monaco does utterly stun her and she wishes she could be that coordinated with her hands.
She's incredibly graceful on her feet and loves to dance about.
She's a skilled worker, but understands her limits, while often eager to get new jobs and likes to work hard, she is a big believer in that rest is equally as important. If she can't think or is frazzled, she rests and won't work until she can bring her 100%. When she’s sick she makes a lot of wild home remedies and is a bit of a drama queen about it. She doesn’t want to do any work or power through, just curl up in bed in a blanket cocoon and not leave her room until she’s well.
Her favorite movie genres are drama, fantasy and romantic comedies. She loves to watch notoriously “bad” movies to laugh at them for just how silly they are. She also watches a lot of Indian drama shows thanks to India's recommendations and love them to bits.
She’s pretty artistic, she loves ceramics and weaving. She’s happy with her creations because they’re a timestamp of the kind of person she was when she made it.
She feels small and insignificant compared to a lot of other nations. She knows she doesn’t have much power or impact on the international community, and she tries to not think about how powerless it can often make her feel especially when her country relies on things like tourism for revenue. The fact that she has to sell and advertise herself never fully sits well with her, she enjoys seeing people happy in her home, and finding joy where she finds joy, but at the same time knowing that pert of her will always be tied to others happiness makes her anxious in a way she doesn't like to think about.
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the-book-ferret · 7 months ago
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THIS IS U.S. Kids can do amazing things! Prepare to be amazed and inspired by the variety of activities and interests that kids take up across the United States. This is a gorgeously illustrated companion to Matt Lamothe's This Is How We Do It featuring 50 kids from across the United States. From the rocky coastline of Maine to the lush rainforests of Hawaii, read about the many different places American kids call home and about 50 real kids who live there. In Iowa, Amelia and her dad soar through the skies in their red-and-white-striped plane. In Rhode Island, Ramon and his sisters ride scooters in the apartment building courtyard. In Louisiana, Adrain Jr. races his dirt bike down a gravel road, speeding past cornfields. Matt Lamothe and Jenny Volvovski document the daily lives of 50 children from America's 50 states in this compelling companion to the award-winning picture book This Is How We Do It. Featuring 50 unique, authentic portraits of growing up in America.
THIS IS HOW WE DO IT Learn about kids from around the world and what their lives are like in everything from food to sports to daily chores! Follow one day in the real lives of seven kids from around the world—Italy, Japan, Iran, India, Peru, Uganda, and Russia! In Japan, Kei plays Freeze Tag, while in Uganda, Daphine likes to jump rope. While the way they play may differ, the shared rhythm of their days—and this one world we all share —unites them. This genuine exchange provides a window into traditions that may be different from our own as well as mirrors reflecting our common experiences. Inspired by his own travels, Matt Lamonthe transports readers across the globe and back with this luminous and thoughtful picture book.
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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Ganapati – Great Red Lord of Hosts Talon Abraxas
Explaining Ganapati Thangka – the Great Red Lord of Hosts
Ganapati is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganapati is also known as the Great Red Lord of Hosts. Ganesh originated with Brahmanism (Vedism). In Buddhism, there are two sutras that mention Ganapati, and one with his “Dharani” (mantra) which can be chanted by anyone. In the sutra, Buddha says:
Any son or daughter of high birth, whether monk or nun, lay brother or sister who undertakes any matter accomplishing the rites to call a sacred being by means of mantras, worshipping the Three Jewels, traveling to another country, going to the royal court or concealing should upon worshipping the Blessed Buddha, practice seven times the Arya Ganapati Hrdaya: for him, all tasks will be accomplished; no doubt about this!
Etymology of the Ganapati
The meaning of Ganapati is tsog gi dag PO, mar Chen in Tibet.
Ganapati is called the Tantric Buddhist form of Ganapati related to the Chakrasamvara Cycle of Tantras.
Spritual power of Ganapati
Ganapati is known as Ganesh and Vinayaka who is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon.
Ganapati’s image is found throughout India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Thailand, Mauritius, Bali, and Bangladesh.
Hindu denominations worship him regardless of affiliations and devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains and Buddhists. This form of Ganapati is regarded as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara.
This form of Ganapati is regarded as an emanation of Avalokiteshvara.
Vakratunda Ganesh Mantra
One of the most important and also one of the most common Ganpati Mantras, this is the Ganesh mantra for wealth, and is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Goddess Riddhi (Hindu Goddess of Prosperity) and Goddess Siddhi (Hindu Goddess of spiritual enlightenment).
“Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa ||”
Meaning :
Vakra – means one that is not straight. Vakratunda – means curved trunk. Mahakaya – means large body, if we see that in a more divine sense it means most powerful. Suryakoti – means ‘Surya’ or sun and koti means crore. Samprabha – means ‘prabha – aura, grandeur’ , ‘sama- like’. Suryakoti samprabha – means whose aura is like light of crores of sun put together. Nirvgnam – obstacle free. Kurume – give me. Deva – means God. Sarva – means all. Karyeshu -work. Sarvada -always.
Full meaning : “Oh god with curved trunk, large body whose aura is like light of crores of sun, Please make my entire work obstacle free, forever.”
Benefit : Chanting of this mantra invokes Lord Ganesha to remove every obstacle between one and one’s well-being and helps to achieve wealth, wisdom, good luck, prosperity and success in all the endeavors.
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dazonntravels1 · 7 months ago
Explore the rich and diverse culture of the 7 Sisters of India with Dazonn Travels. Discover the unique traditions, vibrant festivals, and captivating heritage of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura. From breathtaking landscapes to indigenous crafts and cuisines, each state offers a distinct cultural experience. For more details visits our website or Contact us now:+91-896-872-7340
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soleiluzz · 3 months ago
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sonder. a neologism noun that refers to the feeling of realising that everyone, including random strangers, lives complex lives just like your own, and that somehow, we are hardwired to not think about it at all.
when i was little, not even seven years old that year in 2010, my parents decided to relocate our family from dubai to chennai- a risk, because none of us spoke tamil (not that it was really relevant for a 7 year old and a 4 year old to know it). my mother lept at the opportunity to introduce india to us, but i, firmly entrenched in dubai, refused to come ‘home’, talking about how i had friends here and i’d be able to manage all on my own, but regardless of how much i insisted, i was unceremoniously flown back to india, staying with my grandparents in hyderabad for a while before making my way down south to chennai, a land so completely different from the one i spent my early childhood in.
many years later, in that same vein, the bus ride from college back home is an interesting one, especially when i get a seat, free to look around at everyone outside on the streets and standing with exhaustion sagging off of their bones, wondering what they did today and whether they had a good day. now completely desensitised to the various sounds and colours of chennai- finally starting to call it home before i leave, once again, to pursue my master’s degree- i like watching people go about their lives before the higher seat of a bus, filled with a sonder that runs deep- no judgement, no thoughts, only appreciation for the vivid and complicated lives that people lead. i have met you only once, and i will likely never meet you again.
in my opinion, sonder is the most complicated feeling to feel, and it arises at the most random times of day- when i see a couple standing in the shadiest spot of the crowded saidapet bus stand as i wait for my own bus, or a group of young schoolgirls buying each other lemonade or paani puri with promises of repayment or a favour to be carried ahead. or when an old man glares at his nokia trying to see who’s calling him (maybe his kids? grandkids? his wife or colony friends?), and when a reckless driver slows down when his co-passenger, perhaps his wife, girlfriend, or sister, hits him over the helmet to scold him.
it’s interesting to see so many complicated lives pass by in the blink of an eye- you barely get to observe the person who catches your eye the most, and other times, you’re forced to watch tired college students or office workers wearily drag themselves with heavy bags to the bus stop, occasionally knocking at the closed doors of the bus for entry or chatting with a small group of friends and colleagues about weekend plans or tomorrow. i don’t have a particular favourite segment of people to watch- i think even thinking about something like that makes me sound like a stalker- but i enjoy observing people during sunset, when the birds and the squirrels settle for the night, and the skies are silent, save for firecrackers (wedding season, anyone?) and the occasional bat that decides to invade my balcony.
to you, reader, i have a question- when is it that you feel sonder?
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written in early 2024 for my college magazine. not sure if it was published, really, so i'm also posting it here :)
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reconholidays · 2 years ago
25 Days Seven Sisters Tour of North East India
25 Days Seven Sisters Tour of North East India - Recon Holidays offers Unique and Immersive Tailor made Small Group Tours of  North East India & Beyond https://reconholidays.com/25-days-seven-sisters-tour-of-north-east-india 
#northeastindia #tours #reconholidays #assam #arunachalpradesh #manipur #mizoram #tripura #meghalaya #nagaland #tourpackages
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bangalis · 6 months ago
when you share a body of water with a country, it is a law and common etiquette to warn them before opening dams and creating a flooding hazard. this was a political flood. bangladeshis are losing their livelihoods, livestock, and agriculture. not to mention, exposing themselves to increased water borne illnesses all because india decided to open the dumbur dam without warning. hope they realise any instability in our country will negatively impact our surroundings, including india and its seven sisters.
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thereader-radhika · 2 years ago
Nappinnai in Ponniyin Selvan
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Krishna-Nappinnai cult was prominent in Tamil-speaking areas of South India in the seventh to tenth centuries. Nappinnai can be considered a mix of Satya of Ashtabharya and Radha. This cult is the prototype of the later Radha-Krishna cult in the North. She features prominently in the poetry of Alwars (Vaishnavite poet saints) as the worldly wife of Krishna as different from the divine consorts of Lord Vishnu.
In Tamil poetry, Nappinnai is the daughter of Yashoda’s brother Kumbakan. She grew up with Krishna and Balarama and Krishna marries her by taming seven bulls in a public tournament. Nappinnai is featured in non-Hindu sources too. For example, in Jivaka Chintamani composed by the Jain saint Tirutakkatevar, a King is told that he shouldn't hesitate to marry a lower class woman because Tirumal himself is married to cowherdess Nappinnai.
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Krishna Mandapam at Mahabalipuram
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Krishnan lifting Govardhana, Balarama on the right side, consoling an old couple. Nappinnai on the left side gazing at him admiringly, holding the hands of his sister Subhadra.
Aditha Karikalan, Thirukkoilur Malayaman and Parthibendra Pallavan spend their night in this complex near the iconic Shore Temple, at the end of Book 1. The young princes discuss about sculptures and poetry, which Parthibendran finds distasteful. Malayaman leaves them to watch villu pattu in the Pancha ratha complex and it is here that Karikalan narrates the story of his heartbreak. Now it is a closed structure, but originally it was an open air bas relief. The mandapam enclosing it was constructed only in the 16th century, during Vijayanagara period.
An entire chapter (Achchiyar Kuravai) of Silappathikaram is about Nappinnai playing Kuravai dance with Krishan and Balaraman. Manimekalai (Sangham epic, not PS character) too mentions this dance. When Vanthiyathevan gives Aditha Karikalan's letter to Kundavai, Kundavai's retinue is seen dancing to this, singing about various asuras trying to kill Krishnan.
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When Karikalan goes to Kadambur, there too we see the preparations for the Kuravai.
While having a heart to heart conversation (as much as someone like Nandini can open her heart), Nandini tells Manimegalai about her hallucinations. According to her, when we love or hate someone intensely, we can see and feel them even in their absence.
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This is something Nandini made up for her consolation, because Nappinnai is never seperated from Krishna. In fact, it said that Vishnu left his divine wives and descended from his seat to be Nappinnai's beloved.
You parted from the eternal Great Flower [Lakshmi] and from the Lady Earth, became a youth, and then united in marriage with the shoulders of the cowherd Pinnai.
In Kuravai Koothu, women sing that Krishna avoids Lakshmi because he is so enamored by Nappinnai. 
Is Pinnai of bangled arms so beautiful that He who had won great reputation by measuring the universe, would not look at Lakshmi dwelling in his own breast ?
It is to this Nappinnai that Andal prays to give her an opportunity to get one with Krishna, as her other attempts to wake him up were futile.
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Nandini must have heard of the North Indian narratives about viraha unmadini (driven mad by seperation) Radha which were in their infancy then. Nappinnai didn't have the habit of seeing hallucinations - it is Nandini who has mental health issues.
This connection also shows Nandini's guilt about her life's circumstances though they were beyond her control. When Vanthiyathevan tells her that her Krishnan is still waiting for her, she replies that she doesn't deserve it. After marrying Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar, Nandini is never shown praying earnestly - either she is lying about different prayers and austerities or she is using devotion to avoid questions.
Edit: After writing the original post, I thought I will read Thirumangai Alwar's poems because his poetry is specifically mentioned in the chapter which shows Karikalan, Parthibendran and Malayaman going to the port to oversee the loading for goods for Arulmozhi's army. Look what I found:
Pinnai's forehead is a gleaming crescent moon  So long ago in battle he subdued seven bulls for her hand And now he owns beautiful Kanchi which is surrounded by beautiful cool ponds of waters Where the sovereign of Pallavas who have the sharp blood stained sword in his hands Who owns a drum with a bitter mouth And the Conch with the roar of the sea Pays his obeisance to his Lord.
(The poem says that the poet's god is the Lord of Kanchi who is worshipped by the Pallava King. The rest are the descriptions of the the god and the king. In PS, crown prince Karikalan is ruling from Kanchi with Parthipendra Pallavan as his vasal)
Very subtle 🤣🤣
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Are you even real, Maya Kanna?
@willkatfanfromasia @sowlspace @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @thelekhikawrites @hollogramhallucination @thegleamingmoon @whippersnappersbookworm @nspwriteups @jukti-torko-golpo @arachneofthoughts @thirst4light
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eletricheart · 2 years ago
(Donna Beneviento x fem!reader)
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*image creds to the owner
Word count: 1040
This story is a bit angsty, I made it thinking in the song Seven by Taylor Swift and there's the idea of The Lakes by Taylor Swift, which is running away together. This story is Donna telling about this girl that was in her life ever since she was born until 14 years old. It's a short story, I tried to make this sweet since there isn't a "happy" ending. Anyway, I hope you like it💜
ps: the songs audios are at the end
Donna didn't usually receive guests in her house but Alcina called the day before to ask if she could watch over her daughters during the morning as she had business with Mother Miranda. Any other time the girls would stay home alone, but the last time it happened they "accidentally" murdered six maids.
Therefore, Donna trusted Angie to look over them while the dollmaker finished her latest project. It was all going well, her work would only take thirty minutes and there hasn't been any major crashing. However, once she was done and went upstairs, the sisters were looking over a box while Angie stood by the door seeming downcast.
When the Lady made herself known, excuses and attempts to hide the box filled the room, but one sigh made them settle down and wait for her to speak.
Donna took a deep breath and quietly sat beside the girls. "Where did you find this?"
They looked between each other with Bella coming forward to speak. "We were playing hide and seek, Dani found it."
The lady turned to Daniela, expecting an explanation.
"I was curious, I thought it would be fabric or something…sorry."
Donna took a deep breath before picking one of the photos inside. "I assume you have questions."
They all quickly nodded, making the dollmaker chuckle.
"It's a bit of a long story but I'll try to shorten it."
Summer 1943
Your family was friends with the Beneviento's long before you were born, so it only made sense for you to know the sisters Bernadette and Donna.
At the age of 7, you were best friends with Donna, doing constant sleepovers and having adventures around the woods. In one of said adventures, you tried climbing a tree to pick a flower for Donna, but as it happens with children, you fell.
The other girl rushed to your side, worried since you face palmed the ground. However, instead of crying, you just lifted your head and gave her a cheeky grin. "I think I broke a tooth." You said, opening your mouth to show her. Donna just laughed and hit your shoulder before pulling you up and going back home to fix your small wounds.
Summer was particularly hot during that year, therefore both of your parents would take you to the lake. It was a happy time, you and Donna would always play either pirates or explorers. Sometimes Bernadette would play along, but most of the time she was with her parents, Donna didn't truly mind, she had you.
Winter 1950
You were sitting in the closet with Donna laying on you. Her father was fighting with her mother, something that became quite usual ever since Bernadette passed away. Your parents didn't want you to visit anymore, but you came up with an urgent excuse to see your friend.
You were holding Donna and humming while waiting for the fight to end.
"Why are they still fighting?" Donna asked, holding your arms tighter.
"Well, I think your house is haunted. I mean, your dad is always mad so that must be why." You answered.
"Yeah, you're probably right." She said, sniffing a bit.
"You can come live with me. We can become pirates and travel all around the world, all the way to India. What do you think?"
"That would be nice…Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Would you sing for me?"
"Always. Any requests?"
"I want auroras and sad prose
I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet
'Cause I haven't moved in years
And I want you right here
A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground
With no one around to tweet it
While I bathe in cliffside pools
With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief
Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse
No, not without you"
Once the song ended, Donna turned around and hugged you. "Promise to never leave me."
You smiled and hugged her back just as tightly. "I promise, I'll never go anywhere without you."
You held her all night, you listened to her stories about the day, you sang for her when the fighting got too loud, you even made bad jokes.
You were Donna's sanity, you stood by her even when her parents died, never letting go of her hand.
But sadly, you were also the reason for to not initially accept Mother Miranda's gift.
Present time
Donna sighed as she finished the story the best she could."I can't exactly recall her face anymore, it has been twenty years, but at least now the story can pass on." Angie had already moved to her lap to offer comfort. The dollmaker pointed to the box's contents before speaking again. "These are gifts she gave me, everytime we explored she made sure to make me a flower crown or string rings. She was one of a kind."
Cassandra was fidgeting her fingers before asking. "What happened to her?"
Donna exhaled shallowly. "Her parents left the village. She didn't know they were leaving or she would've told me…at least I like to think so. I've never seen her again."
Dani gave her a sad look. "I'm sorry."
The lady nodded. "It's okay."
"We can find her…if you want to." Bella asked.
Donna slowly shook her head. "Some things are best to not know."
Cass tilted her head in confusion. "But…don't you want to know if she's alive, maybe Mother Miranda can make her like us."
The dollmaker sighed. "I'm sure, let's just leave this be."
The girls nodded and helped her place the box where it was. Soon enough it was time for them to leave.
Donna was okay, it wasn't rare the times she got caught in her memories, so the lady simply went to bed, hoping for the day to end.
The girls…well…they never promised anything. So the first thing they did once encountering their mother was to tell the whole story, after all, what harm could it do.
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